What’s Happening?


What's Happening in these Photos? Using historic photographs of lighthouse keepers, describe what they are doing. Form an overall impression and then examine individual items by dividing the photo into quadrants. What new details become visible of people, objects, and activities? What questions does this photograph raise in your mind? Where could you find answers to them? Download

What’s Happening?2023-08-23T07:56:23-04:00

Sea Shanties


Sea Shanties Sea shanties are songs or chants used on ships  to synchronize the men on board ships as they worked. The rhythmic cadence of the shanty was necessary when a strong unified force was needed when pulling anchor or raising sails. The songs also brought a feeling of solidarity to the crew and uplifted the spirits of the sailors. Download Portland Town Schooner Fare sings about Maine's oldest lighthouse station - Portland Head Light. Squid Jiggin' Ground Written by Arthur Scammell (1928) and sung by Schooner Fare, [...]

Sea Shanties2023-02-12T13:07:51-05:00

Cuckolds Lighthouse


Historic Information At the outer entrance to Boothbay Harbor, passing the two small islets known the Cuckolds was a dreaded experience for mariners at night and in foggy conditions. In 1874, the construction of a black tripod on the southern end of the eastern rock served only as a day-marker. After mariners filed numerous petitions, Congress appropriated $25,000 on March 3, 1891 for the construction of a fog-signal station at this dangerous site - located off Southport's Cape Newagen. In the photograph, the trumpet seen exiting the roof warned vessels of their approach to the Cuckolds. On November [...]

Cuckolds Lighthouse2022-12-29T18:20:12-05:00

Test 1


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Test 12022-03-26T19:17:45-04:00


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