Historic Information
The Wood Island Life Saving Station built in 1908 housed brave “surfmen”, that were part of the US Life Saving Service (a forerunner of the US Coast Guard). They would wait with small rowing boats to go out to help mariners in distress in terrible conditions year round. In 2022, the nonprofit Wood Island Life Saving Station Association (WILSSA) took on the enormous task of rebuilding and accurately restoring the partially collapsed buildings.
Learn about the history of the Wood Island Life Saving Station and about about the mission and accomplishments of a dedicated group of volunteers by visiting their website at: https://woodislandlifesaving.org/
Photos Courtesy of Don Gargano & Wood Island Life Saving Station Association

Read a feature article about the acquisition, restoration, and homecoming of an authentic 1930s pulling surfboat by visiting the website of Maine Boats, Homes, & Harbors magazine’s January/February 2023 issue, and enjoy the wonderful photos of the eight oarsmen rowing the Mervin F. Roberts to the Wood Island Life Saving Station.